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Operator Classification
Operator name: KLM (Royal Dutch Airlines)
Operator type: Legacy
Region: Europe
Country: Netherlands
Pilots' Detailed Payscale - please state whether payscale is before or after tax
(pension, per diems and brief payscale are listed further down the page)
Effective from:
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(yearly, hourly etc)
Guaranteed hours:
(if applicable)
(click here to use the currency converter)  
Addtional notes:    
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Brief Payscale (please state whether before or after tax) (please ignore if the detailed payscale above is up to date)

last update

Capt top €21.697 x 14 = €303.758 (12 month salaries + double salary in May and December) not including profit-share bonus.
Capt base €9.976 x 14 = €139.664 Capt Embraer (12 month salaries + double salary in May and December) not including profit-share bonus.
FO top €16.316 x 14 = €228.424 FO widebody, max-out after 22 years in company (12 month salaries + double salary in May and December) not including profit-share bonus. 25/Feb/23
FO base €4.486 x 14 = €62.804 (12 month salaries + double salary in May and December) not including profit-share bonus. 25/Feb/23
SO top €14.522 x 14 = €203.308 same as max FO pay on narrowbody fleet (12 month salaries + double salary in May and December) not including profit-share bonus.
SO base €4.486 x 14 =€62.804 (12 month salaries + double salary in May and December) not including profit-share bonus.
FE top
FE base
Flight Pay / Per Diem
last update
Capt Per diems are only applicable when actually having a lay-over. The amount depends per destination, and is based on the cost of living in the respective country and gets updated on a regular basis. It's ment to cover the costs of meals, transportation and entertainment. On a full time long haul schedule expect +- €300 ~ €600 per month. Per diems are equal for all ranks within a crew.
FO See above.
SO See above.
Pension Details
last update
Dutch pension legislation has been changing a lot from 2015 onwards. Before 2015 pension was accumulated over the entire salary. This has been capped at +- €110,000 in 2015. Over the additional salary other arrangements have been met ('netto-pensioenregeling'). The Dutch pension legislation is about to completely change in 2026. Negotiations with the unions regarding this matter are about to start. Dutch pensions in general are considered among the highest and most stable in the world.  
last update
Leave 41 days (limited to 22 days during summer).
Staff travel Yes, ZED fares, ZM most carriers, ZL on KLM
Employment Situation For Pilots
last update
  Current Situation:  
Loans are paid off, company making profit again. However, still in an unpredictable world. 19/Sep/22
Shortage of cockpitcrew at the moment. Hiring from outside KLM Flight Academy again. 22/Feb/24
  Overall Situation (+ve/neutral/-ve):  
Positive   22/Feb/24
Entry Requirements
last update
Internal promotions with respect to position on the seniority list only. Currently a promotion to Captain Embraer (KLC) takes 5-8 years. Captain 737 +/- 11-15 years. Captain 777/787 +/- 21-25 years. 14/Jul/24
In principle promotions based on the seniority list only. During times of severe pilot shortages however, experienced First Officers for the short/medium haul fleet have been hired from outside the company. These First Officers were put on the bottom of the seniority list, and can't earn a higher salary (based on the same age) than Second Officers who were already employed. However in the KLM salary formula, age (experience) is incorporated. 14/Jul/24
Except in times of severe pilot shortages, Second Officers are graduates of the KLM Flight Academy. 6/Oct/21
Approximately 95% of the students being trained at the KLM Flight Academy are hired by KLM. There are no students on the waiting list. All students now apply at KLM at the start of their selection.   23/Nov/19
Recruitment Process
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Psychological tests, grading on simulator (B744), interview board consisting of three people who are high in the company. For KLS trained ab-initio's, the recruitment will consist of a trainingfile-check and a job interview. Normally about 95% of the students are hired. Since the crash of GWI in 2015 all applicants have to do an additional psychological test. Sometimes an additional grading can be deemed necessary. 2/Oct/17
last update
KLM: - Airbus A330: 11x - Boeing 737: 47x - Boeing 777: 31x - Boeing 787: 9x KLM Cityhopper: - Embraer 175: 17x - Embraer 190: 32x - Embraer 195E2: 13x Martinair *: Boeing 747F: 3x * Lawsuits are currently ongoing if Martinair pilots are allowed to fly on KLM aircraft and vice versa in the near future. 20/Oct/23
Airbus 350: 40X Airbus 320: 30X   7/Mar/24
Recruitment Contact For Pilots
last update
  Preferred method of application:  
Mw. E Hoogerdijk   14/Dec/10
  Job Title:  
Pilot Recruitment Assistant   8/Dec/10
KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, SPL/NF, PO Box 7700, 1117 ZL Schiphol, The Netherlands  
Tel: +31 (0)20 6492124 8/Dec/10
Fax: +31 (0)20 6499679 8/Dec/10
Email: KLM.Pilot.Recruitment@klm.com 8/Dec/10
  Pilot vacancies webpage:   
https://careers.klm.com/nl/jobs/verkeersvlieger/16494/   14/Jul/24
  Online application form link:   
https://careers.klm.com/nl/jobs/verkeersvlieger/16494/   14/Jul/24
Bases For Pilots
last update
Amsterdam Schiphol  


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