Home ---> Middle East (Major/National/Low Cost) ---> United Arab Emirates ---> Etihad Airways

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Operator Classification
Operator name: Etihad Airways
Operator type: Major/National/Low Cost
Region: Middle East
Country: United Arab Emirates
Pilots' Detailed Payscale - please state whether payscale is before or after tax
(pension, per diems and brief payscale are listed further down the page)
Effective from: January 2022
Listed pay rates are:
(yearly, hourly etc)
Guaranteed hours:
(if applicable)
(click here to use the currency converter)  
Addtional notes: New housing policy: you can only live in the Emirate Abu Dhabi. After having pushed all the new joiners to go to Dubai they are now changing the policy. Even for those already living in Dubai.    
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Brief Payscale (please state whether before or after tax) (please ignore if the detailed payscale above is up to date)

last update

Capt top €235,000 AED965,000
Capt base €165,000 AED675,000
FO top €140,000 AED575,000 27/Aug/24
FO base €110,000 AED450,000 27/Aug/24
SO top
SO base
FE top
FE base
Flight Pay / Per Diem
last update
Capt 4% payrise from 1st july
FO Flight Pay: AED 40 per/hr. Meal allowance during layovers as per the following rates: Middle East/GCC/Sub Continent AED12/hr -Asia/Far East AED15hr - Africa/Australasia AED18/hr -Europe/Americas AED 23/hr.
Pension Details
last update
New contracts 7 days of basic pay for first 3 years, 21 days per year thereafter. Not invested. End of Service benefit.  
last update
Roster 777 fleet very relaxed with little flying. 787 extremely busy with min days off. A320 fleet always busy, A330 being phased out. Constant changes and crew control bending rules.
Leave 42 days,most pilots never allocated full leave due to lack of pilots
Staff travel Unlimited ID90/ID50 with EY for staff, spouse, parents and inlaws, and 15 extra supplementary tickets per year for friends.
Employment Situation For Pilots
last update
  Current Situation:  
Hiring on A320/321 DEC/FO and B787/777 NTR and TR FO. 20/Feb/24
They have slowed down hiring. Uncertain future and more difficult standby policy because flights are always full and it is difficult to travel. 23/Oct/24
  Overall Situation (+ve/neutral/-ve):  
Positive   23/Oct/24
Entry Requirements
last update
A minimum of 7000 hours total flying time and A minimum of 4000 hours on jet aircraft in excess of 60000 kgs and A minimum of 2500 hours in command of multi-crew jet engine aircraft in excess of 60000 kgs and ICAO ATPL,valid licence and medical Must be a current Captain and Maximum Age limit is 56 years old and English Language fluency ( written and verbal ) Preference would be given to candidates who are type rated or with wide body experience The hours mentioned above shall be on powered fix wing aircraft only 27/Feb/08
A330/340 &B777 A minimum of 2500 hours total flying time and A minimum of 1000 hours on multi crew, glass cockpit jet aircraft and A320: A minimum of 1500 hours total flying time and A minimum of 1000 hours on multi crew,glass cockpit jet aircraft ICAO ATPL,valid licence and medical Must be current and Maximum age limit is 53 years old and English Language Fluency ( written and verbal ) Preference would be given to candidates with Airbus 320,330,340 or B777 experience The hours mentioned above shall be on powered fix wing aircraft only 27/Feb/08
Recruitment Process
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First day is ATPL exam, 50 questions regarding ICAO docs 8168, 4444 and Jeppesen Definitions if you pass, you have the SIM assessment on the A320 or B787 depending which airplane you are rated. If you pass on the next day you have Ground Exercise followed by the Technical Interview. Third day is the medical exam, pay attention to your BMI level, max 29.9. 27/Apr/23
last update
19xA320, 10xA321, 2xA332, 10xA380, 25x777, 38x787 1/Aug/20
26xA321NEO, 15xA350-1000, 6x777-9, 12x787-9, 22x787-10   1/Aug/20
Recruitment Contact For Pilots
last update
  Preferred method of application:  
Online only 6/Jul/15
Captain Jihad Matta   6/Jul/15
  Job Title:  
Head Of Pilot Recruitment   6/Jul/15
Abu Dhabi international airport, Etihad Airways complex.   6/Jul/15
http://www.etihadairways.com   21/Nov/04
  Pilot vacancies webpage:   
https://careers.etihad.com/Etihad/go/Pilot-and-SFI-Jobs/716401/   4/Apr/16
  Online application form link:   
Select the job you want and then click on "apply now".   21/Nov/04
Bases For Pilots
last update
AUH   16/Feb/08


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