Home ---> Europe (Charter) ---> Austria ---> GlobeAir

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Operator Classification
Operator name: GlobeAir
Operator type: Charter
Region: Europe
Country: Austria
Pilots' Detailed Payscale - please state whether payscale is before or after tax
(pension, per diems and brief payscale are listed further down the page)
Effective from:
Listed pay rates are:
(yearly, hourly etc)
Currency: Euros (€)
Guaranteed hours:
(if applicable)
(click here to use the currency converter)  
Addtional notes:    
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£1350 PM
Brief Payscale (please state whether before or after tax) (please ignore if the detailed payscale above is up to date)

last update

Capt top 37th to 48th Month of Employment : Gross = € 5.200,00 / Net = € 3.096,62 49th Month and onwards : Gross = € 6.000,00 / Net = € 3.511,23
Capt base 1st to 24th Month of Employment : Gross = € 4.000,00 / Net = € 2.526,74 25th to 36th Month of Employment : Gross = € € 4.500,00 / Net = € 2.764,19
FO top 37th to 48th Month of Employment : Gross = € 2.800,00 / Net = € 1.935,73 49th Month and onwards : Gross = € 3.100,00 / Net = € 2.095,40 28/Jun/23
FO base 1st to 24th Month of Employment : Gross = € 2.100,00 / Net = € 1.576,83 25th to 36th Month of Employment : Gross = € 2.500,00 / Net = € 1.776,07 28/Jun/23
SO top
SO base
FE top
FE base
Flight Pay / Per Diem
last update
Capt Per Diems to the amount of € 30,- for every overnight stay outside the home base
FO Per Diems to the amount of € 30,- for every overnight stay outside the home base
Pension Details
last update
last update
Roster Crew is working normally on a 6/4 Roster
Leave 20 days, no vacation granted from May to September
Staff travel
Employment Situation For Pilots
last update
  Current Situation:  
good working environment, flexibility required. Contracts are being improved. 22/Oct/18
positive due to continue fleet expansion 13/Feb/19
  Overall Situation (+ve/neutral/-ve):  
Positive   13/Feb/19
Entry Requirements
last update
Commander: 1.500 h Jet preferably. C510 TR a plus. MCC,EASA Part-FCL CPL + frozen ATPL and Medical Class 1, English ICAO level 5. Candidates must hold unrestricted Passport and International driving license. Must be eligible to live and work in Europe. live within 60 min driving time of one of the bases. 22/Oct/18
In case you do not have a type-rating for this aircraft, GlobeAir organize the type-rating course for those candidates whom they offer an Employment Contract. GlobeAir does not take over the cost of the type-rating course and the candidate must pay the full cost of the type-rating course. Full Type Rating Price : ±€25.000,- plus applicable value added tax. 28/Jun/23
N/a   7/Dec/19
Recruitment Process
last update
Group exercise, HR, Technical, sim. 12/Apr/23
last update
18 C510, many grounded due to no engines availability and defects 22/Jul/24
tbc   7/Dec/19
Recruitment Contact For Pilots
last update
  Preferred method of application:  
  Job Title:  
Globeair AG Polytechstrasse 1 4063 H�rsching Austria   3/Feb/14
Tel: No calls appreciated. Only on-line applications. 22/Sep/15
Email: No emails appreciated. Only on-line applications. 22/Sep/15
http://www.globeair.com   20/Sep/07
  Pilot vacancies webpage:   
https://careers.smartrecruiters.com/GlobeAir   5/Mar/18
  Online application form link:   
Bases For Pilots
last update
Vienna, London, Berlin, Frankfurt, Munich, Milan, Rome, Amsterdam, Barcelona, Madrid, Geneva, Zurich, Bruxelles. No French bases.   22/Oct/18


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