Home ---> Europe (Major/National/Low Cost) ---> Latvia ---> SmartLynx Airlines

Red text indicates new information added during the last update on 28 June 2024

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Operator Classification
Operator name: SmartLynx Airlines
Operator type: Major/National/Low Cost
Region: Europe
Country: Latvia
Pilots' Detailed Payscale - please state whether payscale is before or after tax
(pension, per diems and brief payscale are listed further down the page)
Effective from: November 2023
Listed pay rates are:
(yearly, hourly etc)
Daily rates
Currency: Euro
Guaranteed hours:
(if applicable)
A320, B737 CPT, FO: Nov2023 - Oct2024 - 80 BH/ month guaranteed
(click here to use the currency converter)  
Addtional notes: A320/ B737 minimum 10 months on pay (NO unpaid leave till Nov 2024)    
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A320/ B737A320/ B737A320/ B737A320/ B737A330A330A330
CPT>3000BHCPT>1500BHFO>1500FO>500FOFOFO>1500 hr
170 Euro
€310/ day
€290/ day
€170/ day
€140/ day
€260/ day
€240/ day
€135/ day
€110/ day
Brief Payscale (please state whether before or after tax) (please ignore if the detailed payscale above is up to date)

last update

Capt top A320/ B737 >3000 New incentive, summer pay all year round. In summer, 80BH incl. In winter, 30BH included. monthly salary €9455;
Capt base A320/ B737 >500 New incentive, summer pay all year round. In summer, 80BH incl. In winter, 30BH included. monthly salary €8235;
FO top From Jan2024 - 6100 EUR (80BH incl) 15/Nov/23
FO base From Jan2024 - 5270 EUR (80BH incl) 15/Nov/23
SO top
SO base SO's from cadet program and from Type Rating Organization. 50 EU/day during line training.Upon completion of Line Check pay is same as FO base
FE top
FE base
Flight Pay / Per Diem
last update
Capt Special base perdiem: €100/ day on base
FO Special base perdiem: €70/ day on base
Pension Details
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No pension scheme.  
last update
Roster From July/24 Pilots with approved NIA outside Europe + MENA region 32 ON by 13 OFF
Staff travel No staff travel even Smartlynx operated flights.
No discounted holidays.
Employment Situation For Pilots
last update
  Current Situation:  
Currently operating a fleet of A330, A320 & B737 aircraft, across 3 AOCs. Latvia, Estonia and Malta. New terms and conditions in an agreement finalised on Monday 9th October, now means that pilots are guaranteed summer pay all year round, and no pilots will be forced to take unpaid leave anymore. This agreement is valid until October, 2024 but it is hoped that it will be extended indefinitely. New project has just been announced for the winter period (November - March), based in Mumbai, India, flying for Indigo. Pilots and crew based there will be provided with 5* hotel accommodation, on a half board basis. There are a number of different roster rotations available for this base, comprising 23 days on, 7 days on, 30 days on, 11 days off, or 43 days on an 16 days off. 16/Oct/23
SmartLynx Malta being further developed 25/Oct/22
  Overall Situation (+ve/neutral/-ve):  
Positive   16/Oct/23
Entry Requirements
last update
1) have an ATPL(A) (or its equivalent) issued or accepted by Latvian CAA ; 2) have a total flight experience of 3000 hours; and 3) have a valid Type Rating for the relevant aircraft type, valid ME IR and flight experience of 500 hours on type as commander; or 4) have a flight experience of 1000 hours as commander on multi-pilot, multi-engine jet or turboprop aircraftswith the maximum take-off mass more than 10 tons and maximum approved passenger seating configuration of 20 or more and meet prerequisite conditions for A320 Type Rating Transition Course; 5) have sufficient level of English language - ICAO Level 4 10/Jul/10
Pilots showing good performance during A320 TR at Smart-Lynx ATO may be offered positions without previous experience on type. Otherwise requirements are: 1) have at least CPL(A) (or its equivalent) issued or accepted by the Latvian CAA and passed an ATPL theory test (frozen ATPL); 2) have a total flight experience of 1000 hours; 3) have a valid Type Rating for the relevant aircraft type and ME IR or meet prerequisite conditions for A320 Type Rating Transition Course; 4) have sufficient level of English language - ICAO Level 4 13/Apr/15
No scholarship. High chances to be hired after type rating with Smartlynx ATO.   5/Jul/22
Recruitment Process
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last update
27xA320, 8xA321, 2xA321F, 6xA330, 4xB737 NG/MAX 23/Dec/22
4x A321F   25/Oct/22
Recruitment Contact For Pilots
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  Preferred method of application:  
Form on website 2/May/17
  Job Title:  
Smartlynx Airlines, Mazrudas, Marupes pagasts, Rigas rajons, LV-2167, LATVIA   13/Apr/15
Tel: +371 67207392 10/Jul/10
Email: pilotscv@smart-lynx.com 26/Sep/16
http://www.smartlynx.aero/corporate/pilot-document-and-training-status-checklist   2/May/17
  Pilot vacancies webpage:   
https://smartlynx.aero/pilots   23/Dec/22
  Online application form link:   
https://smartlynx.aero/pilots   23/Dec/22
Bases For Pilots
last update


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