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Operator Classification
Operator name: Cargolux
Operator type: Cargo
Region: Europe
Country: Luxembourg
Pilots' Detailed Payscale - please state whether payscale is before or after tax
(pension, per diems and brief payscale are listed further down the page)
Effective from: March 2024
Listed pay rates are:
(yearly, hourly etc)
Guaranteed hours:
(if applicable)
75 hours
(click here to use the currency converter)  
Addtional notes: Supplements paid for duties during nights, Sundays and public holidays. These supplements are exempted from tax in Luxembourg. These supplements will bring the net very close to the gross salary. Vacation supplements are paid to compensate the supplements shortfall during vacation periods. Overtime is tax free. Very generous social security system with a very complete benefits package despite one of the lowest levies in Europe.    
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Brief Payscale (please state whether before or after tax) (please ignore if the detailed payscale above is up to date)

last update

Capt top After 32 years: 19.821,17 EUR x 13 = 257.675,21 EUR. Additional tax free duty supplements, a yearly bonus and per diems are paid on top.
Capt base 1. Year: 12.738,27 EUR x 13 = 165.597,51 EUR. Prior salary steps as a F/O in the company are taken into account, i.e. a freshly upgraded Captain will enter the same salary time unit they had as a F/O (10th F/O salary stage -> 10th Captain salary stage). Additional tax free duty supplements, a yearly bonus and per diems are paid on top.
FO top After 32 years (assuming no upgrade to Captain): 14.258,65 EUR x 13 = 185.362,45 EUR. Additional tax free duty supplements, a yearly bonus and per diems are paid on top. 20/Oct/23
FO base 1. Year without experience on heavy aircraft: 6.597,18 EUR x 12.25 = 80.815,47 EUR. 1. Year with experience on heavy aircraft: 7.175,75 EUR x 12.25 = 87.902,94 EUR. As of the 2nd year, 13 full salaries are paid. Additional tax free duty supplements, a yearly bonus and per diems are paid on top. 20/Oct/23
SO top
SO base No SOs
FE top
FE base
Flight Pay / Per Diem
last update
Capt 4,50 EUR per hour
FO 4,00 EUR per hour
Pension Details
last update
Eligibility for Luxembourg state pension after working in Lux for at least one year and a total of at least 10 years in the European Union. Additionally a fonds based pension plan via Swiss Life is funded by the company. Monthly a variable amount based on salary and rank is invested by the company with the additional option to privately contribute up to 100 EUR per month.  
last update
Roster Per published roster a minimum of 12 days off. One block of 7 consecutive off days ("A"-days) and one block of 5 consecutive off days (either "B" days or "C" days). Once published, "A" and "B" days may only be changed with pilots consent and compensation rules. Once published, "C" days may be moved with prior notification and compensation rules. "C" days may be allocated up to 6 rosters per year. In a month with requested vacation days, the 12 off days are granted on top of any leave.
Leave 42 days per year
Staff travel MyID travel on Air Dolomiti, Breeze Airways, Brussels Airlines, Condor, Finnair, flyDubai, JetBlue, Jetstar, Jetstar Asia, Jetstar Japan, JSX, KM Malta Airlines, LOT Polish Airlines, Luxair, Oman Air, Qantas, Royal Jordanian, Silver Cloud Air, Southwest Airlines, Sun Country Airlines, SunExpress, Transavia Netherlands, TUIfly, Virgin Australia, Vueling and Wideroe. A secondary agreement with Austrian Airlines exists. Currently staff travel with Cargolux is subject to a temporary embargo if CAO or DG cargo is on board, otherwise free unlimited travel of spouse and children (except USA) on the 6 business class seats of the upper deck on the 747's
Luxair Tours, Tui Holidays, Dertour, airline staff rates at various hotel chains (Accor, Deutsche Hospitality, IHG, Hilton, Marriott, NH Hotels & Resorts, Hyatt and Scandic Hotels)
Employment Situation For Pilots
last update
  Current Situation:  
Currently recruiting First Officers on a 15 month temporary contract 5/Feb/24
Applications for First Officer positions are accepted until the 15th of March 2024 5/Feb/24
  Overall Situation (+ve/neutral/-ve):  
Positive   5/Feb/24
Entry Requirements
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Upgrade to Captain strictly by seniority. Currently 10 to 12 years of waiting time to be considered for an upgrade. 20/Oct/23
Currently: Type-rated on B747-400, minimum 1500 hours multi-pilot multi-engine time on jet aircraft or turboprop aircraft (CS-25) with MTOW > 10 tons or seating capacity > 19 seats, EASA Part FCL ATPL or CPL / IR with ATPL theory or MPL, EASA Part Medical Class 1, full second level graduation minimum (e.g. Baccalaureat, Abitur, A-Level Exam, Matura), ICAO English language proficiency level 4, preferably level 6, above-average flying abilities & impeccable safety standards, ability to work in a multicultural environment, authorization to live and work within the European Union, ability to successfully pass a security background check and a pre-employment medical test, unrestricted rights for international travel, agreement to transfer your license to a Luxembourg issued EASA license 2/Jun/23
No SO's. 10/Sep/07
No scholarship available   19/Dec/22
Recruitment Process
last update
First Day: Mollymawk tests & psychiatric questionnaire. Second Day: Group exercises, roleplay scenario & interview. Third day: Written ATPL test & simulator screening on 747-400F or 747-8F. Second and third day may be swapped, depending on simulator availability. 8/Mar/24
last update
B747-8F (14), B747-400F (6), B747-400ERF (6) 5/Feb/24
10 B777-8F (+6 Options) ordered to replace the B747-400F fleet. First aircraft expected to arrive in 2027   5/Feb/24
Recruitment Contact For Pilots
last update
  Preferred method of application:  
https://www.cargolux.com/careers/jobs-in-the-air/ 19/Dec/22
  Job Title:  
CARGOLUX AIRLINES INTERNATIONAL S.A., Luxembourg Airport, L-2990 Luxembourg, Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg   8/Sep/05
Tel: 00352 4211 1 8/Sep/05
Fax: 00352 43 54 46 8/Sep/05
Email: pilotcareer [at] cargolux.com 23/Apr/18
www.cargolux.com   24/Oct/05
  Pilot vacancies webpage:   
https://www.cargolux.com/careers/jobs-in-the-air/   23/Dec/22
  Online application form link:   
https://careers.peopleclick.eu.com/careerscp/client_cargolux/crew/results/searchResult.html   23/Dec/22
Bases For Pilots
last update
Luxembourg (LUX)   19/Dec/22


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