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Operator Classification
Operator name: Ryanair
Operator type: Major/National/Low Cost
Region: Europe
Country: Ireland
Pilots' Detailed Payscale - please state whether payscale is before or after tax
(pension, per diems and brief payscale are listed further down the page)
Effective from:
Listed pay rates are:
(yearly, hourly etc)
Monthly before tax (35% approx.)
Currency: Euro (only pilots based in England are paid in Pounds)
Guaranteed hours:
(if applicable)
Guaranteed 400hrs per year on McGinley contract. SBH 84 EUR for FOs and 154 EUR for FOs. Out of Base payment 27 EUR per SBH.
(click here to use the currency converter)  
Addtional notes: All pilots subject to 20% pay cuts. Reduce all rates shown by 20%.    
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Capt RYR (bases on new deal)Capt RYR (most bases)Capt BrkfdCapt StormFO RYRFOBrk>1500FO Brk>500FO BrkCadet FOLIne train FO
on 80hrs/mB737-800WB737-800WB737-800WB737-800WB737-800WB737-800WB737-800WB737-800WB737-800W
per month
E 155000
E 7500
E 155000
E 7500
E 155000
E 7500
E 155000
E 7500
E 155000
E 7500
E 155000
E 7500
E 155000
E 7500
E 155000
E 7500
E 155000
E 7500
E 155000
E 7500
E 155000
E 7500
E 155000
E 7500
E 155000
E 7500
E 155000
E 7500
E 155000
E 7500
E 155000
E 7500
E 155000
E 7500
E 59000
E 59000
E 145000
E 7000
E 53000
E 53000
Brief Payscale (please state whether before or after tax) (please ignore if the detailed payscale above is up to date)

last update

Capt top New RYR contract up to 155000, only by being TRE LTC or BC. Normal line captain max 142000 before tax. Expect to pay between 33% and 40% tax with Irish contacts, although now majority on local contracts (Germany, UK, Italy, Belgium, France, Poland...). Many bases now only on 75% contracts for new joiners/transfers
Capt base All pilots as of spring 2023 are finally back on pre-covid salary. Captain base salary depends on local tax rate. For example Captain on local contracts: Belgium €5500 net. France +-€7500 net. Spain €7500 net. Portugal €5500 net. Italy €8000 net. UK £6500 net. Ireland €7000 net. Germany €6500 net. And the list goes on. Most pilots are now on a local contract. Salaries (day of writing) are still not adjusted for inflation.
FO top 1500hrs+ contractors 70.5 EUR PSBH (after sim deduction) 20/Jan/21
FO base £56,500 Basic + £12,750 Sector Pay + £7500 Allowance + £5000 Dual License Allowance) (+ 3000 London Base Allowance) = £81750 / (£84750 London base) 21/Mar/24
SO top Same as above as now all new cadets or training pilots are on RYR fixed contract. Same gross etc.
SO base UK: £16,800 + £12.83 SBH EU: €16,800 + €14.00 SBH
FE top
FE base
Flight Pay / Per Diem
last update
Capt 39€ paid net.
FO Per diem contractor 75EUR and SBH 84EUR for FO's
SO 5€ paid net.
Pension Details
last update
600€ per month, half contributed by RYR pension scheme. Fully tax deductible.  
last update
Roster 5 days ON - 4 Days OFF (5 Earlies - 4 OFF - 5 Lates - 4 OFF). LEAVE: RYR Contract: 1 x Calendar Month OFF (19 Days Paid leaves, the rest are Days OFF according to the 5-4 roster) + 10 Ad Hoc paid days, 150€ per day, (you can choose as many days as you want, single days, block of 5 etc. for a total of 10 per year).
Leave 28 Days
Staff travel Unlimited standby travel for pilots positioning on the Ryanair network. Parents, spouses and siblings under 21 years of age eligible for standby travel. After one year in the company, 6 return trip tickets for any desired person. Mcginley contract: no staff travel or stby tickets, only jump seat from base to base (wherever).
Discounts at various hotels, car rentals and travel agencies. Touchdown IS affiliated with Ryanair, discounts on resorts, flights, insurance up to 60% for crew, family and affiliates.
Employment Situation For Pilots
last update
  Current Situation:  
Pilots now on pre-covid salary but no inflation adjustment yet. Belgian pay not adjusted for inflation yet - there is an inflation adjustment law. 21/Jun/23
Due to COVID19, year 2020 has a history worst profit and negative effects will continue on 2021. 27/Mar/20
  Overall Situation (+ve/neutral/-ve):  
Neutral   21/Jun/23
Entry Requirements
last update
No DEC recruitment until further notice. 7/Jul/19
1. Does the applicant have the right to work in EU? (Valid EU / EEA Passport with the unrestricted right to live and work in the EU). 2: Date of Birth – (Not over 65). 3: Licence Type – a) EASA Part FCL b) JAR FCL c) National Licence compliant with ICAO standards Note: c) Will require IAA validation – (Some national licences will not be accepted by the IAA). 4: Validity of Licence – (Must be valid. Applies to JAR-FCL and National Licences). 5:Validity of Medical – Must hold a valid EU (Part-MED) issued Class 1 medical certificate. 6: Minimum 1,200 hours total flying time. 7: Minimum of 1,000 hours on a CS25* Type Aircraft. 8: Minimum 800 hours on the B737-300 to 900 series. 9: Applicant must have the B737 300-900 type rating listed on the Licence. 10: For JAA & EASA licence holders the application must be made within 36 months of the most recent B737 300-900 “Valid Until” date specified in Section XII “Certificate of Revalidation”. 11: English Language Proficiency – minimum required proficiency Level is Operational Level (Level 4). (Written proficiency is required at Operational level). (Reference: ICAO Doc 9835). 12: Must have operated on B737 300-900 within the 36 months prior to the course start date. 13:* CS-25 Certification Specifications applicable to turbine powered Large Aeroplanes. An aeroplane of more than 5700 kg (12500 pounds) maximum certificated take-off weight. 13/Nov/18
1: Does the applicant have the right to work in EU? (Valid EU / EEA Passport with the unrestricted right to live and work in the EU). 2: Date of Birth – (Not over 65). 3: Licence Type – must have a valid JAR or EASA (CPL) Frozen ATPL (Air Transport Pilots License). 4: Validity of Licence – (Must be valid. Applies to JAR-FCL and National Licences). 5: Validity of Medical – Must hold a valid EU (Part-MED) issued Class 1 medical certificate. 6: Holds a valid multi-engine instrument rating. 7: Hold a certificate of satisfactory completion of multi-crew co-operation (MCC). 8: Must have a flight school report. 9: Cadets who have conducted a modular course need to have 100 hours as Pilot-in-Command (PIC), or 70 hours as PIC if completed during a course of integrated flying training as set out in Appendix 3 A, C & D to Part-FCL and AMC1 to Appendix 3 A, C & D. 10: English Language Proficiency –minimum required proficiency Level is Operational Level (Level 4). (Written proficiency is required at Operational level). 27/Jun/16
N/A 13/Jul/05
-   26/Jan/17
Recruitment Process
last update
€3OOOO for typerating during line training, mensually during Line training 1400€. Contract is not guaranteed after it. 21/Jul/21
last update
Boeing 737-800 (410x), Boeing 737-8200 (136x), Boeing 737-700 (1x) 28/Jan/24
150 firm order for 737-max-10 and option for a further 150. Deliveries planned between 2027 and 2033. Most of these will be to replace ageing fleet.   21/Jun/23
Recruitment Contact For Pilots
last update
  Preferred method of application:  
Apply via Ryanair website. Suitable candidates will receive email to perform initial online screening (psychometric, reasoning, logic, technical knowledge). If successful, candidates will receive invitation to RYR HQ for sim assessment, hr and technical interview. Selected candidates will receive a contract with Airline flight Academy for self sponsored type rating, followed by training contract for line training. 5/May/24
-   11/Sep/09
  Job Title:  
Pilot Recruitment Manager   10/Jul/08
Ryanair, Corporate Head Office, Dublin Airport, Dublin, Ireland   20/Feb/05
Tel: +44 1332 815 954 11/Dec/08
Email: pilotrecruitment@ryanair.com 22/Jan/18
www.ryanair.com   20/Feb/05
  Pilot vacancies webpage:   
https://careers.ryanair.com/pilots/   15/Jan/18
  Online application form link:   
Bases For Pilots
last update
Alghero, Alicante, Athens, Barcelona, Bari, Belfast, Bergamo, Berlin-Schönefeld, Birmingham, Bologna, Bourgas, Bournemouth, Bratislava, Bremen, Brindisi, Bristol, Brussels, Bucharest, Budapest, Cagliari, Catania, Chania, Charleroi, Cologne Bonn, Corfu, Cork, Dublin, East-Midlands, Edinburgh, Faro, Fez, Frankfurt, GdaÅ„sk, Girona, Gothenburg-Landvetter, Gran Canaria, Hahn, Hamburg, Ibiza, Karlsruhe, Kaunas, Kraków, Lamezia, Lanzarote, Leeds/Bradford, Lisbon, Liverpool, London-Luton, London-Stansted, Madrid, Málaga, Malta, Manchester, Marrakesh, Memmingen, Milan–Malpensa, Naples, Niederrhein, Nuremberg, Palermo, Palma de Mallorca, Paphos, Pescara, Pisa, Ponta Delgada, Porto, Poznan, Prague, Prestwick, Rome-Ciampino, Rome-Fiumicino, Seville, Santiago de Compostela, Shannon, Sofia, Stockholm-Skavsta, Thessaloniki, Tenerife-South TimiÈ™oara, Trapani, Valencia, Vilnius, Warsaw Modlin, WrocÅ‚aw, Zadar. Also Mobile Floating positions available roster 5 x 5. 3 months same base.   29/Apr/19


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