Volotea Airlines pilot jobs Wiki

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Red text indicates fields that were changed during the last update on 14 February 2021
Pilots' Detailed Payscale- please state whether payscale is before or after tax
(pension, per diems and brief payscale are listed further down the page)
Effective from:
Listed pay rates are:
(yearly, hourly etc)

(click here to use the currency converter)
Guaranteed hours:
(if applicable)
80 hrs a month
Addtional notes:
No detailed payscale available yet. To update the factfile please click on submit new information.
Brief Payscale (please state whether before or after tax) (please ignore if the detailed payscale above is up to date)

last update

Capt top
Capt base 3600E before tax base in 40h month, no senority.
FO top
FO base After line training, you will be hired with a Second Officer salary of 13.5 Euros per block hour + 25 Euros per day of duty. (Line training is approx 150 hrs) 15/Nov/12
SO top

From Line Training you will be hired as second officer SO2 with a salary of 20€ per block hr and 30€ per day of duty. Once you reach 500 hrs on the B717 you´ll be promoted to a Second officer SO1 position with a salary of 25€ per hr and 30 Euros per day of duty. The minimum salary guaranteed hours are 40 hrs per month. The company model is to fly up to the maximum flying hrs possible in summer –> June to September (more than 90 hrs per pilot in July and August) and a reduced production in winter –> October to May. This means that during winter time the SO may fly 10 to 30 monthly hrs in approximately 3 to 7 days per month to keep him/her current (no flights will be programmed for new SOs in November, February and March) and 60 to 100 hrs in 4 weeks per month during summer. SOs may expect to fly approximately 500 hrs during the first year of operation. 650 hrs is the yearly average for a first officer, and 800 for a captain.

SO base
FE top
FE base
Additional Duty Pay / Per Diems for Volotea Airlines Pilot Jobs
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Pension Details for Volotea Airlines Pilot Jobs
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Conditions for Volotea Airlines Pilot Jobs
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Staff travel
Discounted holidays

Volotea Airlines Pilot Jobs Situation

last update
Current Situation:  
Local contracts. Very low income for summer captains, most of the will leave after the summer, no plans for winter. Further bases expanding north and east europe, same salary.
B717 Phase out  
Overall Hiring Situation (+ve/neutral/-ve):
Neutral   14/Feb/21
Volotea Airlines Pilot Jobs Entry Requirements (including preferred pilot schools)
last update
5000 hrs total flight time, including: 1500 hrs experience on medium jet as PIC An add advantage if you speak one of the French,Italian or Spanish languages 23/Apr/12
5000 hrs total flight time, including: 1000 hrs on jet or heavy turboprop AN add advantage if you speak one of the French,Italian or Spanish languages 23/Apr/12
Cadet scheme-Type Rating �27500 to be paid by candidate. 14/Dec/12
NIL 23/Apr/12
You have to pay a part of the type rating. It cost 12000 Euros and you have to sign a bond for 2 years.   23/Apr/12
Recruitment Process for Volotea Airlines Pilot Jobs
last update
The cost for this selection process is 550E and is non-refundable. Several test like an English test,a personality test, an Aviation knowledge Test and a sim ride on MD80 in MAD. And then if you are selected, tou are invited for an interview at the headquarters in BCN. Practice aptitude and psychometric tests here.  23/Apr/12
last update
19 B717-200, 1 B737-500, 4 A319 15/May/17
4 B717-200 and 6 A319   15/May/17
Volotea Airlines Pilot Jobs Recruitment Contact
last update
Preferred method of application:  
CAE or FTE Jerez for cadets 14/Jul/14
Job Title:  
Email: (To find out whether your email application has been read use VisualCV)
Website:  23/Apr/12
Pilot vacancies webpage:  23/Apr/12
Online application form link:  23/Apr/12
Bases For Volotea Airlines Pilot Jobs (including restrictions for recent pilot school graduates)
last update
Nantes, Venise, Bordeaux, Palermo, next base will be Strasbourg and probably another one in south of France.
(click to look-up airport codes)


This webpage is provided to help students at aviation schools and flight schools find information on Volotea Airlines pilot jobs. Whether you are looking for specific airline pilot jobs or more general information on aviation schools, pilot interviews, type rating requirements, pilot salaries and airlines, this website can help.

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