Olympic Air pilot jobs Wiki

Home ---> Europe (Major/National/Low Cost) pilot jobs ---> Greece (Change operator name/classifications)

Red text indicates fields that were changed during the last update on 5 December 2020
Pilots' Detailed Payscale- please state whether payscale is before or after tax
(pension, per diems and brief payscale are listed further down the page)
Effective from:
Listed pay rates are:
(yearly, hourly etc)

(click here to use the currency converter)
Guaranteed hours:
(if applicable)
Addtional notes:
DASH 8 salary for FO about 1300 net plus allowences    
No detailed payscale available yet. To update the factfile please click on submit new information.
Brief Payscale (please state whether before or after tax) (please ignore if the detailed payscale above is up to date)

last update

Capt top 95000 Euro Yearly Gross.Tax 32% approx 7/Mar/11
Capt base 80000 yearly Gross. Tax 32 % approx.
FO top 2400 basic plus per Flight Hour and per sector 5/Dec/20
FO base 1400 Basic plus Per flight Hour and per Sector 5/Dec/20
SO top

SO base
FE top
FE base
Additional Duty Pay / Per Diems for Olympic Air Pilot Jobs
last update
Pension Details for Olympic Air Pilot Jobs
last update
National pension  
Conditions for Olympic Air Pilot Jobs
last update
Roster 8-10 days off per month. bid for a 3 day block is acceptable. LEAVE: three blocks of 10 days per year.(normal days off included) 30 Days in total
Staff travel Currently using new myIDtravel system. Number of tickets depend on years of service
Discounted holidays

Olympic Air Pilot Jobs Situation

last update
Current Situation:  
Due to pandemic, not currently hiring (same for Aegean ATO). All recruitment for Pilots has seized for the time being.
Due to the pandemic, the current outlook is not yet clear. No pilot recruitment in the near future  
Overall Hiring Situation (+ve/neutral/-ve):
Neutral   5/Dec/20
Olympic Air Pilot Jobs Entry Requirements (including preferred pilot schools)
last update
1 Hold a current JAR CPL with ATPL theory credit Multi engine rating MCC Course Instrument rating 2.Minimum flight experience: 250 Hours 3.Last date of flight: within last 12 months, preferable in the last 3 months 4.Exceptional knowledge of both Greek and English languages 5.Valid class one medical certificate 6.English Proficiency Level 4 license endorsement 7.Accident / Incident free record 8.No criminal record 9.Military Service completed The following criteria will be considered as an advantage 1.Previous experience in commercial air transport operations and/ or military air transport 2.A320 Type rating 3.University Degree 24/Dec/11
Recruitment Process for Olympic Air Pilot Jobs
last update
Last selection(A320): 1.Written test ATPL very deep theory(if you are not prepared their is no chance that you will pass)2. A320 Questions 3.Psychometric Test 4.Sim check A320 5.Personal Interview. Practice aptitude and psychometric tests here.  17/Mar/12
last update
8 Dash8 Q400, 2 Dash8-100 , 2 ATR-42-600 5/Dec/20
NO ORDERS   24/Dec/11
Olympic Air Pilot Jobs Recruitment Contact
last update
Preferred method of application:  
Job Title:  
Email: (To find out whether your email application has been read use VisualCV)
Website:  27/Aug/09
Pilot vacancies webpage:  
Online application form link:  
Bases For Olympic Air Pilot Jobs (including restrictions for recent pilot school graduates)
last update
Rhodes Diagoras airport seasonal base for Dash8-100 and Thessaloniki International airport seasonal base for Dash8Q400
(click to look-up airport codes)


This webpage is provided to help students at aviation schools and flight schools find information on Olympic Air pilot jobs. Whether you are looking for specific airline pilot jobs or more general information on aviation schools, pilot interviews, type rating requirements, pilot salaries and airlines, this website can help.

Coverage of airline pilot opportunities is provided for many flight schools and airlines, and you can search by aircraft type if you have a type rating and are looking for specific pilot employment opportunities. Students at aviation schools and flight schools may wish to visit the website periodically to keep up to date with the latest recruitment news for Olympic Air pilot jobs.


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